Varsity Outdoor Club

Varsity Outdoor Club

What is the VOC?

We’re a member-run student club with interests in all human-powered outdoor recreation activities. Trips run from the beginner-friendly to the expert-only and everything in-between. Feel free to read on here, but if you like what you hear please do visit our website!

What does the VOC do?

Members run trips basically every weekend, year round. VOC members post on our trip agenda, message board, and Discord server to plan all kinds of trips. You’re encouraged to sign up and come along. If you have somewhere you want to go, put up your own trip! Trips are free, you’ll have to chip in for gas and buy your own food but that’s basically it!

We also maintain a number of back country huts for use by the larger outdoor community. And, you can rent gear from the clubroom for a small, refundable deposit during these times. For lots more information about the club, check out our WIKI!

What does membership do for me? How much does it cost?

A year long membership costs $45 for UBC students and $70 for everyone else. To get a membership, sign up at Clubs’ Days or drop by the clubroom during the gear hours. Alternatively, fill out the membership form linked at the bottom of this page at anytime and come by the clubroom during gear hours with your membership cash. We promise we are working on online payment, it’s just not ready yet.

Your membership fee gets you:

  • Access to member run trips
  • The ability to borrow gear for free
  • Access to our library of maps, guidebooks, and other outdoor literature
  • A VOC journal, detailing trip stories of the year
  • Access to the VOC message board with more trips, cheap gear, tons of information, and conversations about the outdoors
  • … and so much more!

What if I’m new to the outdoor scene?

The VOC is made up of a large number of students with varying degrees of outdoor experience. While many of our trips are quite challenging, a large dose of enthusiasm can often make up for a lack of experience, and there are many trips posted that are not as challenging and do not require much – or any – experience.

Keep an eye out for informal “schools,” designed to help beginners develop skills and beginner friendly trips which are geared towards novices and learning. Outdoors people of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to join!

Where is the VOC located?

You can find us in the basement of the AMS Nest. Drop by on your lunch break and hang out to talk about your latest trip or to plan your next one.



NOTE: If you make a new account, you won’t be able to log in until you have paid your membership dues ($45) and then your account will be immediately activated.


Varsity Outdoor Club